Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1961 ALTON EVENING TELEGRAPA PAGE FIFTEEN Obituaries Mrs. Grable Jin Alton. Pilcher's business inprincipal Mrs. Norma G. Grable, wife Acting Fire Chiet Warren Grable of 2318 Crawford died at 10:35 a.

today in Alton Memortal Hospital. She was 39. Mrs. Grable had been Ill for more than a year and in June of 1960 had undergone surgery, She had recovered from the operation and had been active until about. six months ago.

Since Aug. 24, she had been a patient in the hospital. The former Norma Phillips, she wag Oct. 17, 1921, in Kentucky. Her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. E. E. Phillips reside in Fosterburg. Mrs.

Grable had resided in Alton since the age of 12. Her marriage to Warren Grable took place July 15, 1941, in Las Vegas. She WAS A member of Edwards Street Assembly of God Church where she had served as assistant superintendent of the Sunday School, and had been active in the work of the church as long as her health Surviving in addition to her husband and parents, are 8 daughter, Geraldine, a pupil at Alton High School, and a son, Phillip, Alton. She also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Nettie Titchenal, Dorsey, and Mrs.

June Newcom, LaCenter, and five brothers, Roy, Louisville, Carl, San Bernadino, Max and John Fosterburg, and Paul, Mt. Vernon, Iowa. The body is at Smith Funeral Home, Alton, pending funeral arrangements. Mrs. Bornes Mrs.

Lona Bornes, 33, wife of Frank Bornes of Rt. 2 Brighton, died at. 8:25 p. m. Monday in Joseph's Hospital, where she had been a patient for two days.

Mrs. Bornes had been in declining health for two years and had been hospitalized on four previous occasions. A native of Carrollton, she was born on April 28, 1928, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Barnett.

She moved with her parents to Alton as a child and attended the Alton schools. She was married to Frank Bornes at Springfield In 1952. Bornes is survived, in addition to her husband, Frank, by one daughter, Karen, at home, two. sisters, Mrs. Margaret.

DeVore and Mrs. Ann Hermes, both of Alton and a brother, James Barnett of Carrollton. Funeral rites are tentatively set for Thursday morning. Burwill be in the William Cemetery, Mt. Vernon.

Friends may visit at Staten Chapel after 7 m. today. G. W. Pilcher BRIGHTON-George William Pilcher, 68, prominent Brighton resident, died at his home at 7:45 a.

m. today. Death thought to have been due was heart ailment which developed about a year ago, He had seen a physician Saturday. Pilcher had been retired from business for about four years, but was active in civic affairs and affairs of First Presbyterian Church. He was born Nov.

10, 1892, in Godfrey Township, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pilcher. He was married to Miss Lulu Kruse, who survives. However, Mrs.

Pilcher was stricken ill shortly after the death of her husband and is hospitalized ALTON ETHEL J. LOYD Services 10 a.m. Funeral Home F. in tall 1 OUR TO MOBIRIN STRELPER terest here was the Shell Servoffice station, which he operated until four years ago. In addition to his wife, he survived by three daughters, Mrs.

Louis Schilet and Mrs. Donald Werts of Brighton and Mrs. William Bott of Godfrey. He is also survived by six grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Mayme Maneke of Alton.

He was a member of First Church, Wood River Masonic Lodge and was a veteran of World War I. The body is at Warner Funeral Home where friends may call after 3 p.m. Wednesday. Funeral service will be conducted at 2 p.m. Thursday in First Presbyterian Church where was a member of the board trustees.

The body will be moved to the church at noon Thursday. Miss Gilman Miss T. A. (Nettie) Gilman, 74, member of one of Godfrey's early families, died in Pearsall, during late August, according to word received by Miss Elizabeth Olthoff, 726 Royal, a long-time friend. for Miss Benjamin Gilman was Godfrey the daughter Gilman.

Gilman and Annette Hoffmeister Born in Texas, Miss Gilman had come here with her parents as a girl and completed studies at the then Monticello Seminary. She established a gift shop with her sister here, but after a brief time returned to Texas, conducting businesses in both San Antonio and later Pearsall. Funeral services and burial were at Pearsall. Mrs. Wheeler CARROLLTON Mrs.

Claudia Mae Wheeler, 86, housekeeper at the home of Ted and Herbert Fehl for the past 30. years, died there shortly before noon today of an apparent heart attack. Born in Macoupin County, April 3, 1875, she was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Dalby, Her husband, Alvin Wheeler, died 15 years ago, and a foster son, Jesse Dawson, died a year ago: Survivors include half sisters and half brothers and foster grandchildren.

The body is at Mehl Funeral Home pending funeral arrangements. Mrs. Hamby Mrs. Delores Hamby, wife of James Hamby, died at 12:55 p.m., today at her home, 339 Bluff St. She had been in ill health for two years.

The former Delores Harvey, she was born at Knoxville, Dec. 22, 1903, She had resided in Alton for the past 24 years. Mrs. Hamby was a member of First Christian Church. She is survived by her husband, to whom she was married July 4, 1947, in Alton, and a ter, Darlene.

The body is at Gent Chapel pending funeral arrangements. Mrs. Garstang Word was received this morning by Fred Clifford of the death of his sister Mrs. Lela Garstang of Los Angles, Calif. Mrs.

Garstang, a former dent of Alton, was the widow of Richard Noble With the exception of her brother, Fred, she was the last of nine children of the late Andrew and Helena CIlfford. Surviving in addition to Mr. Clifford are a daughter, Mrs. Frank Terpening of Los Angeles; two granddaughters, and five -grandchildren. he also leaves two nieces, Mrs.

Durward Tarter and Mrs. Wil. liam R. Holden, Alton. Funeral rites will be conducted Thursday morning in Los Angeles.

NO MORE CONFLICT BUFFALO, N. Y. UP The siren test has been changed from noon Saturday to 11:56 a.m. CD officials got a complaint that the noon blast was interfering with the carillon concert from St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral.

The nation's interstate highway program has created an unparalleled demand for slag. FRANK G. DOTSON Services 10 a.m. Wednesday In the Chapel. Rev.

Freeman Privett, officiating, Burial In Upper Alton Cemetery. In state at the chapel Masonic Services 7:30 p.m. Tuesday (foul funeral Home Herbert Clapp Rites Set Wednesday JERSEYVILLE Funeral rites for Herbert Clapp, World War veleran of near Grafton, will be conducted Wednesday at 10 a.m. in Jacoby Bros. Funeral lome by the Rev.

M. Edwards Breed, pastor of First Presbyter. ian Church. Burial will be in Oak Grove Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m., today.

Expect Volcano To Keep Erupting PAHOA, Hawaii (AP) "IL doesn't look like we're out of this yet--that thing is still a volcano expert said Monday after unpredictable Kilauea shut off another flow of molten lava. Don Richter, scientist in charge of the volcano observatory, said there was no way of telling where or when- the volcano might blow again. He said Kilauea's summit has risen six feet in the past. year from increasing pressure far beneath the surface. Kilauea, one of the worlds' most (active volcanoes, has spewed lava at three places since Friday.

Canada produces five times as much newsprint as all the Communist countries combined. ANNOUNCEMENTS LEGAL NOTICES INVITATION FOR BIDS The Housing Authority of the City of Alton will receive bids at 1tB offices at 604 First National Bank Bullding, Alton, IftmoN, until 10:00 A.M., C.D.S.T.. on the Fire 6th October, 190. for Extended Coverage the amount of $900,000.00 for a three ILL-55-1, year Alton term effecting Protect Acres, localad at Alton, IHnots. For further Information and bid.

ding documents contact: D. BRANER, Executive Director Housing Authority of the City of Alton, Sept. 13, 20, 26. INVITATION FOR BIDS The Housing Authority of the City of Alton will recefve bids at its office located at 604 First National Bank Building, Alton. Niinois.

until 11:00 A.M.. C.D.S.T.. on the 6th day October, 1961, for the supplying of an estimated quantity of 180,000 gallons Propane Gas for delivery to Project ILL-55-1, Alton Acres, for further a period information of one and (1) spec. year. rications contact: D.

F. BRANER. Executive Director Housing Authoriey the City of Alton Sept. 13, 20. 26.

NOTICE OF SALE OP REAL ESTATE FOR TAXES and NOTICE OF FILING PETITION ORDER TO ISSUE TAX DEED TO: State of Illinois. by and through Its Department of Public Works and Buildings, the State State of Highway Missouri, by Commis- and sion of Missouri, Otto Kerner minois. as Governor of the state of John W. Dalton as Governor of the State of Missouri and Eulalia Hotz, County Clerk of Madison County, Itlinois No. 1637.

You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 4th day of January. 1960. the County Court of Madison County, Illinois entered a judgment and order of sale upon deUnquent lands and lots, and under fixed correct amount of tax paid protest In the County of Madison and State of Illinois for the year 1958, that the undersigned, as pur. chaser or 12th assignee of the January purchaser. day the sale ordered in said proceedings which Collector of said County on the day sale was held by the County aforesaid at the Court House in the City of Edwardsville, in the County of Madison, and State of Illinois.

purchased said delinquent land and lots for the taxes. Interest, penalties and costs due and unpaid for the year 1958. And that. such delinquent land and lot so purchased are more particularly Half described Lot as 9, Block follows: 5 of the Original Town of Alton. situated of in the Madison City and of State Alton.

of Illinois. Such real estate so purchased was last taxed In the name State of Missourl. The time for redemption of said real estale will expire on the 12th of January 1962. On the lith day of September, 1961, the undersigned filed a petition in the County Court of Madison County Illinois in the same ceding in which aforesaid judgment and order of sale was entered. Sald petition prays that the County court Clerk enter order directing to issue a tax deed to the undersigned if the real estate shall not be redeemed from the sale: And the undersigned intends to make an application to the court on the 15th day of January 1982.

at the hour of 9:30 A.M. for an order on said tion that a deed issued to the designed if the real estate shall not be redeemed from the sale. George F. Georgeott Purchaser and Holder of Certificate of Purchase Griffith de Hoefert, Attorneys 211 E. Broadway, Alton, 111.

Sept. 12, 19. 26 CARD OF THANKS MRS. BEULAH HARPER- would like to take this means of thanking ail our friends. relatives and neigh.

bors who were 50 kind during our recent bereavement. Especially Rev. Privett. to pallbearers, Mrs. Middiecoff.

Morrow Quinn Funeral Home, those who sent cards. flow. ers, assisted in any and every way. Claude Goldie Harper. MRS.

MARY HARTMAN--We wish to express our sincere appreciation to our friends, relatives and neighbors who were so kind during our recent bereavement. especially Rev. Johnston, Warner Funeral Home. Mr. and Mrs.

Sam Cardinal, Mra. Wilma Bott, pallbearers. all those who sent cards. flowers. food, or assisted in any way.

Grace Charles Bochler. ROBERT L. JOHNSON -We would like to take this means of thanking all our friends. relatives and bors who were so kind during our recent bereavement, Especially Rev. Paul Krebs.

Smith Funeral Home. Local Reserve Unit. who served as pallbearers, those who sent cards, flowers. or assisted in any and every way. The families of Robert L.

Johnson. IN LOVING MEMORY IN LOVING MEMORY of Mra Vero. na Galloway. who passed away year ago. Sept 76.

1980 There Is a link that death cannot sever. Love remembrence lests forever. Sadly missed by. Husband Children. MONUMENTS CEM.

LOTS CHOICE -Completely developed lot. Valhalla Cemetery. Call HO 5-3496 PERSONALS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Help tor prablem drinkera. Men and HO TO TAKE PICTURES ON YOUR VACATION RENT CAMERA (Color elide. movie, or Polaroid from FOSTER'S DRUG STORE "ALTON'S PHOTO CENTER" TO RESERVE CALL.

YOURS. EMPLOYMENT 18 HELP WANTED- -FEMALE THINKING OF CHRISTMAS? Earn needed money selling Avon cosmetica, Few choice territories availabic. In Alton. For Interview call Granite City TRiangle 6-5488. WANTED -Experienced waitresses.

curb girls and fry cook. Must be over 18. Apply In person. No phone calls. Coinct Drive In.

WANTED- -Midd country home. housekeeper Stay, for modern References. 2 boys. Write 1020. care Telegraph.

WHITE LADY- help with housework. Room and board, with wages. HO.2-7613. WOMAN TO WATCH CHILDREN transportation. Must supply' own References, 369-2905.

19 1 HELP Male Female BANK HELP Bookkeeper. Manager trainees. Inspector. Sales Rep. Clerk.

Engineers. Stenographers. 13M typist. NCR 31. 3200 key punch dictaphone.

Collections. Face tory. Others, $500 AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT 205 Piasa WANTED- Television repairman. Industrial electrician. Chemical engineer.

teacher. Librarian--degree library science. Structural steel draftsman-2 yrs. college drafting. Cost accountant.

Mechanical engineer -selling APPLY expe. rience-able to leave area. ILLINOIS STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, 87 HENRY ALTON, NO FEE CHARGED. 20 SALESMEN HELP WANTED Any man who would to make $40 extra per week. working 20 hrs.

per week. CL 4-7057 for appointment. LOCAL ROUTE WORK $90 WEEK GUARANTEED For family man with milk. bread or similar route experience preferred. Never a lay-off.

Call or see Mr. Richardson. Hotel Stratford, 7 9 p.m. tonight. $3.72 Hour to Start EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD JOB Prefer appearing.

man 21 to 45. No previous sales experience necessary. We train and stay with you until you have learned this Job. Call HO 2-7149, 7 to 8 p.m. tonight.

22 SITUATIONS -FEMALE A NEAT RELIABLE colored lady wants day work. Babysitting, or laundry. Call HO 2-2500, Lucy Parkham. MIDDLEAGED LADY will baby sit straight days. HO 2-7194 between 7 p.m.

WANTED Baby sitting or house. work. HO 5-1863. FINANCIAL 23 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! Want to your own Boss? Investigate this opportunity to operate an established parking lot business in Alton on a leaso basis. No investment necessary.

Apply at once in writing. furnishing full personal details, to: Box 1,000, Care Telegraph. PERSONAL SERVICE 30 DRESSMAKING- -TAILORING Sup Covers. Work guaranteed. Mrs.

Hale. After HO 6-2533. DRESSES and alterations made. Also men's and children's clothes. Mrs.

Wallace, 'CL 4-3676. KNIT DRESSES SHORTENED Mrs. John Ryan, 818 State St. HO 5-5475. BUSINESS SERVICE 32 BUS.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Accommodating All SEWER SERVICE cL 4-0042 HO 5-1012 24-Hour Service CALL US FOR ALL needs. your building tile remodeling and wood paneling Installed. All types of siding applied. Aluminum. asbestos and Insulated.

Free estimales. Friendly service. BETHALTO LUMRER CO. "The Friendly Yard" 403 S. Prairie, Bethalto DU 4-9131 Evening: DU 4-3261 or DU 4-3571 GUTTERING Spouting.

Furnace Repairs, Free entimates. WHITE'S SHOP, HO 2-1424. PARTS SERVICE Washing machines and vacuum cleaners. 828 E. 7th.

HO 2-4423 MIDDLECOFF'S Factory, Cleaner Authorized Service Hoover PLASTERING--Patch plastering. HO 5-3196. CL 4-8189, POWER LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED SHARPENED Authorized Toro Service Complete stock Toro. Kut Kwick mowers, garden tillers. Used mowers.

STOBBS TIRE SALES 3525 College HO 2-7326 STUMPS REMOVED the easy Also all' kinds of tree work per. formed by Insured and state 1- censed tree experts. For free estimates Dial HO 2-0811. Residence, HO 5-8587. Charles H.

Harris Tree Service 3482 East Broadway Alton, in. ROACHES and PESTS $2 PER ROOM Written 60-day guarantee, 166-2211 or CL 4-7888. TREES TRIMMED REMOVEDStumps machinery moved, Insurance and workmen's compensation. 11 yORTS experience. Free mates.

254-4760, 465-8100. CUSTOM CABINETS Carpenter work Remodel and repair. Croxton Tile Cabinet Co. HO 5-3069. YOU are not getting your money's worth unless you buy your camera or lectur under the PLUS BONUS at FOSTER'S ALION'S PHOTO CENTER 230 E.


Free estimates. For one- stop shopping on buildIng materials and labor call: BETHALTO LUMBER CO. Friendly Yard" 403 S. Prairie, Bothalto DU 4-9131 Evening: DU 4-3261 or DU 4-3571 ANNOUNCEMENTS GOOD BINOCULARS Last a Lifetime HARTMANN'S Jewelry Downtown Wood River PIASA MOTOR FUEL 24 Hour Burner Service BENT AT NOW HO 131 BUSINESS SERVICE 33 BUILDING CONTRACTING CARPENTER REPAIRStions. porches, roofing.

plastering. tile. painting. Reasonable. HO 2-2901.

BLOCK LAYING and chimney pair. and general house repair. CL 9-3315. CARPENTER WORK- Rooting. no ald.

ing. repairina. remodeling. job too small. Rain Estimates.

CL 4-8044. CARPENTER WORK- Roofing. and repairing, remodeling. Concrete masonry work. No Job too small.

Free estimate. CL 4-3028. NEW HOME, BUILDING ter repairs. block laying, electrical. concrete work.

HO 5-2436. REMODELING "Let George Do 14" HO 2-0386 34 DECORATING A-1 INTERIOR EXTERIORDecorating. Bill Myers. HO 2-3840. FLOOR SANDING And refinishIng.

25 yra. experience. For estimate. E. Weisteln HO 5-1934.

INTERIOR DecoratIng. patch plastering. Removing paper. No Job too small. 466.2852.

PAPER HANGING Save money. HO 5-8764. PAINTING Interior and exterior decorating. Carpenter work and small plumbing Jobs. Reasonable.

Free estimates, 254-5051. 37 HEATING PLUMBING ENJOY the conver of clean. economical gas. no matter whor* you Rive. Metered, bulk or auto matic cylinder, L.

P. service For heating. cooking and water heating. Specially trained service men and engineered Installation: Insures trouble free operation. ALTON BOTTLED GAS CO.


of Steam bath heat, facilities. extra clean. Plenty Serta beds, private parking, lobby with TV. Special weekly rates. FOR MIDDLEAGED LADY -Mod.

ern room. Private home. On bus. line. Privileges.

HO 5-6808. FOR TEACHER or employed lady, CL 4-6176. ROOM 2 blocks from downtown Wood River. Private entrance. Phone privileges.

CL 4-3947. ROOM Private entrance: 4 blocks downtown. 401 Wood River Ave. Wood River. SLEEPING ROOM- Full house privlieges.

817 Ferguson. Wood River, 45 APARTMENTS FLATS 2 ties ROOM paid, $50, HO 2-3979. bath. Utili2 ROOM UNFURNISHED 4th St. Near St.

Joseph's. $30. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE HO 2-9797 NEWLY DECORATED Industries, ROOMS. Good Upper Alton. neighborhood.

HO 5-1046. 3-ROOM APT. Modern. private entrance, heat and water furnished. Adults.

HO 5-7951 after 3 ROOM UNFURNSHED APT. Good bargain. Complete tion call HO 5-8033, 3 ROOM APT. Newly decorated. Tile floors.

Indoor pool and club rooms. All utilities furnished. more South Roxana. Phone 254-7523. 3 LARGE UNFURNISHED.

ROOMS -And bath. 1st floor. Utilities 02425 Sanford Alton, ROOM APT. Private bath and and entrance. 303A.

Lorena, Wood River. 3-ROOM UNFURNISHED Up-stairs, private. entrance and bath. HO 5-8480. 3 ROOMS -h adults, $60, Off street park.

Close In. Winkler 700 Alby. 3 ROOMS attractive. Excellent foaction, Adults. $45 mo.

HO 2-3983. 3 ROOM MODERN floor. Private entrance, Children welcome. CL 4-9448. 3 ROOM -Modern apartment.

air In Milton area. Private entrance. conditioned. Heat and water $85 monthly, Call HO 5-8386 after 6 on weekdays. ROOM Unfurnished apt.

$35 mo, Adults only .422 Belle St. HO 5-5568. ROOM MODERN Alton. CL 4-4951; ROOMS AND BATH--Middletown. All utilities furnished, Newly decorated.

Garage, Call HO 2-1155. ROOM Available soon. Newly decorated. All utilities furnished. Indoor pool and club room.

Blltmore South Roxana. Phone 254-7523. 5 MODERN ROOMS GARAGEHeat and water furnished. Godfrey, $55 mo. Adults.

466-1087. 5 ROOM--Unfurnished apt. 6th. $65 mo. 5 ROOMS Convenient to industries; All utilities furnished.

$65. 465-8540. 5 ROOMS DOWNSTAIRS Modern oxcept furnace. 522 Williams $45 mo. HO 5-4157.

6 ROOM DUPLEX -Near St. Mary's. Children welcome. HO 5-3258. 6-ROOM-Extra nice apt.

Utilities furnished. HO 5-2274. APARTMENTS- Small. $30. Three room, $45.

Utilities paid. George Forsting. Hartford, 111. DOWNSTAIRS 3 ROOMS Newly nished. decorated.

Private Heat bath and and water entrance. East Alton. HO 5-3245. NEW NEW NEW WILSHIRE COLONIAL DELUXE 2-BEDROOM Air ditioned apartnients. Landscaped grounds.

Five big closets, Medallion wired, electric range. erator. disposal. TV antenna. cation drapes, dream kitchen.

re view loneur Shopping Center. Apts. open dally A.m, to 7 p.m. Leasing agent YODER CL 4.9113 MISC. FOR SALE Awnings and Canopies Beautiful, Protect Cool Instaline or IMMER 706 Milton Word Fbaue O.

IL HO News of Grains Good Demand Nudges Rye Up CHICAGO (AP) -A good export and speculative demand gave rye futures another broad upward nudge today on the Board of Trade. Gains ran to almost three cents a bushel in the early afternoon Rye Has been on a generally higher trend for the past several days on the outlook for a good overseas business and the possibility that domestic supplies eventually become scarce. West Germany was understood to have bought a considerable volume overnight. Corn and soybeans were under further selling pressure which dealers said was to be expected in view of the generally slack commercial and approaching vest. Estimated carlot receipts today were: wheat 10, corn 25, oats 5, rye 1, barley 9 'and soybeans 39.

CHICAGO (AP) Wheat No 1 2.03¼•½. Corn No 1 yellow 1.14; No 2 yellow 1.14; No 4 yel1.08. Oats No 1 extra heavy white soybean sales. Soybean oll Barley: malting choice 1.35- 1.61½ feed n. Prev.

High Low Close close Open Dec 2.07¾. 2.06¼ 2.06¼ 2.07 Mar 2.12 2.10⅝ 2.10⅝ 2.1½ May 2.13⅞ 2.12⅝ 2.12⅝ 2.13⅜ Jul 2.14½ 2.13¼ 2.13¼ 2.14 Corn Dec 1.10% 1.09% 1.09% 1.10⅝ Mar 1.15⅝ 1.14⅝ 1.14⅝ 1.15¾ May 1.19% 1.18½ 1.18½ 1.19¼ Jul 1.22% 1.22 1.22 1.225% Oats Dec Mar .74 May Rive Dec 1.38 1.34½ 1.37½.1.35 Mar 1.40¼ 1.37 1.40 1.37½ May. 1.40 1.37 1.37½ Jul 1.34% 1.33 1.33½ 1.32% Soybeans Nov 2.39¼ 2.37½ 2.37⅝ 2.39% Jan 2.43⅛ 2.41½ 2.41½ 2.43½ Mar 2.47¼ 2.45⅜ 2.45½ May 2.50⅜ 2.48⅝ 2.48⅝ 2.50% Jul 2.52% 2.51 2.51 2.53 Aug 2.52¾ 2.51⅞ 2.51⅞ 2.53% Livestock Prices At East St. Louis NATIONAL STOCKYARDS, Ill. -Hogs barrows and gilts 1-2 190-240 lb and few near 250 lb 18.10-35, mostly 18.25 down; mixed 1-3 and lb 17.75-18.10; 1-3 to 18.15; 1-3 3 170-190 lb 17.25-18.00; sows 1-3 400 lb down.

16.00-17.50; 400-600 lb 14.75-15.50, few 15.75; some over 550 lb down to 14.50; boars over 250 lb 12.00, few 11.75; lighter weights 13.00. Cattle calves 600; high choice. 945 lb slaughter steers 25.00; load choice 1,283 lb 24.85; bulk cholce lb 24.25-75; load choice near 1,400 lb good mostly 23.00-24.00, load mixed standard and low good 22.75; load high choice slaughter heifers 950 lb 24.00; part load high choice 750 lb also 24.00; other choice heifers 23.50-75; good 22.25- 23.00; utility and few commercial cows 15.00-16.50,. few 17.00; 1 utility and commercial bulls 17.50-19.00; good and choce high choice 31.00; standard and low good 21.00-26.00; good and choice slaughter calves 19.00-23.00, few head 24.00; utility and standard 16.00-20.00. Sheep good and choice 80- 105 lb spring lambs 15.50-18.00; small lots choice and prime 90-105 lb 18.50; utility and good 12.50- 15.50; choice shorn spring lambs 17.50.

A record number of American tourist arrived in Greece during the first three months of this year. The figure 11,680 compares with 9,765 Americans who visited Greece in the first quarter of 1060. 12 Selected Stocks Following ate today's 1:30 p.m. quotations ot 12 New York Stock Exchange research in the Alton area, as supplied to has indicated are endely, held the Alton Evening Telegraph by Newhard, Cook from its Alton branch office. (The New York Exchange closes dally at 2:30 p.m.

(Alton time), go these are not the closing Gen. Motors Granite City. Steel Olin Mathieson Chem. 43, 88, Shell 37, Sinclair Socony 42, Standard oil (Ind.) Standard (NJ) U. S.

Steel Sears News of Stocks Profit-Taking Trims Gains NEW YORK 2)-Profit takling cut gains of a smart stock market recovery as trading quieted late this afternoon. Volume for the day was estimated at 3.4 million shares compared with 3.7 million Monday. An irregular edge to the upside was held by key stocks which showed changes of tractions to a point mostly. In late dealings Polaroid and Texas Instruments were up around 2 each. Zenith canceled an original gain of about 4 and showed a net loss of a point.

Ford erased a gain of about 8 point and had a net loss of a couple of points ac motors in general backed away from early gains. Steels were irregularly lower. International Business Machines held a gain of around 8 points. Up about a point were Allied Chemical, General Electric, U.S. Rubber, and Southern California Edison.

Aluminum Ltd. was easy and Alcoa dropped a fraction while Reynolds Metals recovered fractionally. Moderate losses were shown by Du Pont, Merck, American' Telephone, U.S. Steel, Santa Fe and Jersey Standard. Prices on the American Stock (Exchange turned irregularly lower.

2 Bunker Hill Men in 80s Die BUNKER HILL--Two Bunker Hill area men, both In their eighties, died in area hospitals this morning. Both had been hos(pitalized since Sept. 2. They were Albert J. Keirle.

85, a retired farmer, whose death occurred at 8:30 a.m. Carlinville Area Hospital, and Charles C. Schaum, 84, of Dor. chester. The latter died at a.m., In St.

Francis Hospital, Litchfield. Mr. Keirle, who had resided in and near Bunker Hill since the age of two, was born March 3, 1876, at Shipman, He had resided in Bunker Hill since his retirement 14 years ago. Mr. Kelrle entered the hospital tal after suffering a hip fracture, Aug.

29, in a fall at his home. He is survived by a daughter. Miss Freda Keirle, who made her home with her father; a sis. ter, Mrs. Robert Bley, Bunker Hill, and four brothers, Oscar, Calgary, Canada; Eph, Baker, and Otto and Frank, Bunker Hill.

Mr. Schaum, who was unmarried, made his home with a cousin, Mrs. Frank Eggers, and' her husband. at Dorchester. He was born Dec.

14, 1876, Germany. His only survivors are nieces and cousins, Funeral rites for Mr. Schaum will be conducted Thursday at p.m., in Jacoby-Wise Funeral Home by the Rev. C. M.

Miller. Burial will be in Bunker Hill Cemetery, Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m., Wednesday, The body of Mr. Keirle also is at Jacoby-Wise Funeral Home where rites are pending. IN 100,000 UNITS I TAX- EXEMPT BOND FUND SERIES I This Fund is a registered Investment company of the unit investment trust type, the assets of which are comprised of a diversified portfolio of tax. exempt Public Bonds selected for income.

Interest income to the Fund and to certificateholders will be exempt from all Federal Income Taxes under existing law, pursuant to a ruling the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. A at the Prospecta any be attained from FUSZ-SCHMELZLE INC. Members New York Stock Exchange (201 E. Broadway HOward 5.4251 Alton, Ill. ANNOUNCEMENTS white hound.

Color, brindle, North of Prairietown, Ill. Male has scar across muzzle yellow eyes. -Reward. Call collect, Pary Moyers, CL 4-3071. Hartford, Ill.

LOST Redbone coon. Northeast Fosterburg, Ill. 'Rabies tag 3947 on collar. CL 9-3659. LOST 2 PUPPIES day ago, male, Black and white with white feet.

and female, black, white and brown, In Oakwood area, About 8 mos. old. Children's pets. HO 2-7271. RUMMAGE PASTRY SALES RUMMAGE Belle.

9 a.m. Wednesday. RUMMAGE -Eagles Auxiliary, Wood River. Sept. 30, 9 a.m.

Prank Reprence Home. 576 W. Ferguson, Wood River. RUMMAGE SALE Thursday, Sept. 28.

11 a.m. St. Paul's pal Church, 2nd floor of new bidg. Market street entrance, 9 SOCIETIES and LODGES APOLLOS SHRINE, NO. 69-Stated mecting Formal." All officers party, FRANKLIN LODGE NO.

the Temple at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 26. to attend funeral services Brethren are requested 1.58 meet al for Brother Frank G. Dotson, at Gent Funeral Home at 7:30 p.m.

ROBERT ROY JOHNSON, W.M. FRANKLIN LODGE NO. 25 -Special meeting Sept. 26. 6 p.m.

Work In 3rd degree. Visiting brethren welcome. Refreshments. ROBERT ROY JOHNSON, W.M. PIASA LODGE NO.

27 Sept. 28, 7:30 p.m. Work In and degree. Vialting brethren come. FRANCIS POINTER.

W.M. WOOD RIVER LODGE NO. 1062 nesday, Sept, 27. supper 6:30 A.F.&A.M. Family Ew night, Wedp.m.

Bring covered dish and a friend. Meat and dessert furnished, Entertainment. LLOYD W. SLAUGHTER. W.M.

10 -STRAYED STOLEN FOUND-2 hunting dogs, Owner can have same by paying for this ad and the hens the dogs destroyed. EL 4-1042. LOST -Collie male dog. East Delmar Rd. area.

HO 5-8784. LOST OR STOLEN-Male female NOTICES FOR THE BEST DEAL ON GARAGE "LET. GEORGE DO IT" Canham Home Improvement HO 2-0386 FREE LOAN of our efficient carpet shampooer with purchase of Blue Lustre Shampoo, Youngs. SCHOOL BUILDING--Bids for reinoval of building located next to Trinity Lutheran Church, Fillmore -Street, will be accepted by Trinity Lutheran Church Trustees till October 25. Mail sealed bids to Trustee, 1217 Harrison, Edwardsville, Ill.

YOU are not getting your money's worth unless you buy your camera or lector under the PLUS BONUS at FOSTER'S ALTON'S PHOTO CENTER 230 B. BROADWAY STOP IN AND LET US EXPLAIN IT TO YOU. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE You con place your classified ad, classified kill or classi. fled corrections 24 hours day. Call HO 5-6511 p.m.


Be sure to state the number of times you desire your ad to run. 3. Speak slowly and distinctly. 1. Remember, this is a mechanIca) device, It will answer your call and give you record ed instructions on what to do.

but other than that cannnt answer any questions you may have. ALTON EVENING TELEGRAPH NIGHT CLASSIFIED NUMBER HO 5-6511 6 P.M. TO 8 A.M. ILA RIDERS DRIVERS, RIDERS Wood River area to downtown St. Louis.

8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CL 9-2519 or CL 4-0290. WANTED- from Alton to Wood River. Hours 8 to 4:30 p.m, Vicinlty old St.

Louis Road. HO 2-9117 after 6:30. 17 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED and. truck. not working.

to money quired. HO 5-5217. WOOD RIVER-College Student for part time work In now's agency. CL. 4-6714.

18 HELP WANTED--FEMALE ACCOUNTING CLERK-27-30 Bookkeeper. Must type. General office. Light dictation. GREATER ALTON EMPLOYMENT Comm.

Bldg. 205 W. 3rd BABY SITTER--More for home than wages. HO 2-9610, FULL TIME BABY a.m. (o 5 p.m..

5 days week. HO 2-0547. HOUSEKEEPER General work, cooking. stay 0g place. St.

Louis County near bus line. Prlvate room. bath. TV. other help; $150 per month.

Experienced with references Write Box 970. Care Alton Evening Telegraph or call WY 4-9014. Opportunity Unlimited FOR INCOME- ment ina woman's business. Ing for capable. ambitious woman 25-55.

Personal Interview required. Write Box 1D10 care Alton graph week. children. CL. 4-6002.


rooms bath. new floors Interior. Available Oct. 1. Adults only.

Central Alton. CL. 4-2911. FOR RENT 3 rooms and bath, with 3 large closets. Upstairs, private entrance.

HO 5-5602. IDEAL FOR NEWLYWEDS house. On Or bus couple. line. Near rooms Upper Alton.

Cablof nets. clean. closets. private en. trances, yard.

NO steps at rear. pets. Gas heat, call hot CL water 4-5763. fur. nished $85.

To see NICE ROOMS- Unfurnished, plus front back heat. porches. CL Basem*nt garage, gas 4-6481. Unfurnished GaraRO. Exclusive location.

$112.50. By apapt. Air-conditioned. pointment only, HO 5-5420. UPPER ALTON 3.

room furnished. stairs apt. All utilities CL 4-6047. UPSTAIRS APARTMENT for rent-617 State. HO 2-9171.

Private bath. carpeted, alt WOOD floor, 3-room frigerator conditioned. and Hot stove wAter furnished. CL Heat, 4-3869, after. 5: CL 3-6163.

WOOD RIVER-4 3 p.m... room CL apts. 4-9183. HO 6-3232. After 4:30 WORDEN APTS.

2-ROOM EFFICIENCY and room apt. HO 2.4512. 46 FURNISHED APARTMENTS FURNISHED, ROOM furnished. Private bath. 2704 College.

HO 5-7331. 2 ROOM APT. For couple. HO 2-8866. 2 ROOM FURNISHED APT.632 E.

5th, or HO 2-8617. 2 ROOM Near St, Joseph's. Washing faFURNISHED 4th St. cilities. ESTATE EXCHANGE HO 2-9797 2 ROOMS BATH -Newly decorated.

Gas heat. Utilities furnished. Adults. Indoor Biltmore pool South Roxana, Ph. club 254-7523.

2-ROOM Wood FURNISHED River. Utilities APT. fur. nished. $10 weekly.

HO 2-9877. AND SUNPORCH Pri2 ROOMS vate furnished. 208 Illinois East bath and entrance. Utilities CL. 9-1977.

ROOMS Wood $10.50 River, weekly. Close in. Utilities paid, 4-9468. 2. ROOM EFFICIENCY closets.

Utility Pullman kitchen. Large rm. washer and 'dryer. Ideal Haw. for thorne.

working Wood River. CL, 9-6137. couple. $75 mo, 930 2 CLEAN, Utilities FURNISHED furnished. ROOMS 224 Main floor.

Lorena. Wood River, 3 ROOM FURNISHED Private bath entrance, water furnished. $12 a week. Phone 462-1427. 3 FURNISHED ROOMS- Utilities paid, 715 6th.

HO 2-6023. 3 CLEAN ROOMS -Private bath and entrance. Employed adult preferred. HO 5-9495. 3.

ROOM APT. All utilities fur. nished. Call CL 9-6039. 3 ROOM Clean well fur.

nished. Utilities paid. Adults. 254- 5456. weak.

3-ROOM All utilities furnished. 3619 FURNISHED Coronado Dr. HO 5-2414, 4-ROOM MODERN TRAILER with garage, Northern built, warm. Adults. 3423 Gillham.

4 FURNISHED ROOMS On around All utilities, 2750. Hillcrest. 465-7846. ROOM Furnished brick. apt.

Adults only. 523 S. Central, ROXana. References. FIRST TIME ADVERTISED-3 rms.

with bath. All utilities. Very nice, Downtown. $75. HO 5-2720.

FURNISHED BAsem*nT APT. On bustine. 1030 Union, HO 2.5970. LARGE 3 ROOM Adults. On bus line.

143 Central, Wood River. MODERN ROOMS -Private bath, entrance: front, rear. Adults. East 6th. NICE 2-ROOM FURNISHED APT.All utilities.

Dial HO 5-7331. ROXANA- room. 1st floor. CL Private 4-7674. bath entrance.

Adults. 2 rooms. Private en. trance and bath. Utilities By bus stop.

Adults, CL: 4-6802. SMALL 3 ROOM FURNISHED APT. -At 2910 Sanford. HO 2-2322. STUDENTS OR FACULTY-Accommodates 2 or 3.

Private phone, kitchen, entrance. 462-7386. WOOD RIVER 2-bedroom apt. All modern, newly decorated. Adults.

References. 895 Madison. River. WOOD RIVER 3 rooms and bath, 2nd floor brick apt, rent mo. with all utilittes furnished.

208 S. 9th CL 4-3893, 4-7748: -face 251 S. 9TH. WOOD RIVER stairs. Utilities furnished.

Private entrance. Prefer no children. $80. CL 4-0135 or CL 4-2665, 617 BOND furnished rooms. private bath, utilities furnished.

$45 mo, 47 HOUSES POR RENT. 3-ROOM HOUSE Bath, gas beat, $50. Pershing Lincoln Addition. CL 4-2908, 3 ROOM HOUSE All modern, with gas heat. 3 ROOMS BATH modern.

Newly decorated. Adults cL 4-6352. ROOM MODERN HOUSE North Alton. Adults only, ROOMS- Breezeway, blocks from store. Maple St.

wood Heights. Rent or 9-3713. ROOM MODERN Soreened porch. Heated. Garage.

$50. mO. ROOM HOUSE Birch cabinet: HWF, Full basem*nt. Available: Oct. References, 4-2305.

EAST ALTON-6 room. Close to Western, schools and bus lips 4-6804. FOR RENT OR LEASE rooms: In Wood Roxana school district. Auto. heat.

Built-In stove; oven and cabinets. tied bath. Divided. basem*nt. HWF.

Call CL 4-8048 altar 5 p.m, FOR RENT With option to buy, or for sale. bedroom brick. North Alton. HQ 5-6450 FOR: RENT. Nice bedroom house, with 0016 FOR RENT NIL Garage and basem*nt Gas or electric stove 170.

mo Leonard St.a Alton. 40 EMPLOYMENT ALL THE WORLD IS RAVINGS MINDED HOW ABOUT SAVINGS PLAN World's largest company rood men in the Alton Highest Insa pald. wait. NO Man 2..

Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.