GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (2024)

Thurs August 8, 2024: Trina visits Heather and refuses to forgive her, Kristina weeps for her daughter, and Carly tells Anna she wants Ava arrested.

Wednesday’s GH recap: Sonny learned he’s on placebos after Donna’s stomach was pumped for taking his meds and Molly confronted Ava as family surrounded TJ with love.

Kristina dreams of holding the baby, telling her she is a Davis girl through and through.

She wakes up in her hospital bed and gasps, clutches her belly and sobbing.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (1)

Alexis rushes in and her daughter tells her about the dream.

The lawyer tells her to relax.

Kristina weeps.

She will never get to see her baby except in her dreams.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (2)

Felicia arrives to check in and pay her condolences.

She starts talking about all the therapeutic resources the hospital has.

She knows there is no timeline for grief, but it helps to lean on family and friends.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (3)

She exits.

Kristina asks why this happened.

How can she be her when her baby is gone?

Her mom says sometimes terrible things happen and questions don’t have answers.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (4)

Kristina says that she is the only one who truly knew her baby. “She was mine,” she repeats.

At General Hospital, Portia is thrilled that her daughter came to see her but says they will have to have their conversation later.

As Trina heads for the elevators, Heather is wheeled out. Portia runs between them.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (5)

Heather wants to apologize but the doctor refuses to let her anywhere near her daughter and orders the guard to wheel her away.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (6)

Trina asks her mom what that was. There’s nothing Heather can do and she shouldn’t be losing it on patients.

Portia won’t apologize and refuses to let some lawyer put Heather back on the streets. Her daughter urges her to let this go.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (7)

The doctor begs her to stay away from Heather.

When Portia walks off and tells a nurse that she wants Heather discharged as fast as possible, Felicia overhears.

She tells the doctor she doesn’t seem committed to giving the best care. The doctor says Heather is receiving the same care as anyone else.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (8)

She reminds Felicia that she is the co-chief and tells her she’s overstepping.

Scott arrives at Heather’s room and tells the guard he needs to see his client. Reluctantly, the guard lets him in.

Heather is happy to see him but reminds him he’s not her attorney. “Not yet,” he says.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (9)

He explains that the article on her intrigued him. She got a bum sentence.

She may have left a wake of terror, but it wasn’t her fault. He wants to help her crack this case.

When he reminds her they share Franco, she dismisses that and asks what’s really in this for him.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (10)

He wants them to sue the company who manufactured her defective implant. They can also appeal her conviction.

Heather points out people are dead. He says that’s tragic but she’s not responsible.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (11)

She can get out with a big bank account. He senses she’s interested and asks her to let him get her out of there so they can go after the corporate pie.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (12)

Once Scott exits, the guard lets Trina in and tells Heather she can say whatever she wants.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (13)

Heather tells her how sorry she is. She’s living in a nightmare now that she knows what she did and will regret it for the rest of her life.

Trina is glad she’s no longer homicidal and hopes it sticks. Heather tells her that Esme wasn’t responsible either. She was manipulated.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (14)

Trina refuses to forgive her or daughter. She wants Heather to have her day in court and that justice is served so no one can be hurt by her again.

Heather prays she never hurts anyone again.

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In Donna’s room, her parents offer to get her popsicles. She wonders why she’s not in trouble for eating her fathers vitamins.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (15)

Her mom says she doesn’t want her to swallow anything unless an adult is with her.

They explain they will be taking her home. Sonny has to go and see his other daughter.

Donna suggests they get her popsicles too.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (16)

They walk her to the elevators, where they bump into Jason. Carly tells them men to stay and keep an eye on Kristina.

Once they are gone, Sonny tells Jason he wishes he’d known earlier about the placebos but he’s grateful that’s what Donna took.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (17)

Now he needs to know who switched his meds in the first place.

Jason shows him the picture Brick had taken that suggest Ava pushed Kristina out the window. Sonny assumes that Ava switched his meds just as she witched Morgan’s.

He wants her to pay. Sonny asks him to pay Ava a visit.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (18)

Sonny runs into Alexis and tells her that they will get their daughter whatever she needs.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (19)

She tells him he needs to keep it together. He assures her that he does and he has proof that Ava is responsible for all of this.

Alexis curses Ava and storms out to get some air.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (20)

Sonny looks into his daughter’s room.

When he goes in, he kisses her head and she wakes up.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (21)

“I need you to make Ava pay for what she did to my baby,” she tells him.

Alexis runs into Scott, whos asks after her daughter. He doesn’t know what to say.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (22)

He asks if she has a minute to talk about Heather. He thought she might want to take her on as a client with him.

She says there’s no way she would ever do that and storms off.

When Carly gets home, she calls Anna and asks her over so she can report a crime.

Anna rushes over and Carly tells her about Donna having to have her stomach pumped. The pills she swallowed turned out to be placebos.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (23)

He’s likely been off his meds since New Years. Carly is sure Ava tampered with his meds just as she did with Morgan.

Anna needs proof. Carly says there is motive and opportunity. Ava was trying to control Sonny.

The cop says it wouldn’t be easy to prove.

Cates shows up at Anna’s office and tells her he doesn’t appreciate being summoned. She demands to know what the nature of his relationship with Ava is.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (24)

He claims she’s a friend. What he does in his personal life is his business.

She asks why his luggage was in Ava’s suite and informs him that Ava has been charged with attempted murder and manslaughter of Kristina’s baby.

She goads him about the loss of life and pushes him to shed light on his relationship with Ava.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (25)

Anna urges him not to let his hate of Sonny ruin his career. He needs to take some distance before he crashes.

Jagger accuses her of being a Sonny apologist. She tells him that many people have ruined their careers going after Sonny and he’ll be no different.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (26)

John tells her to stay out of his way because nothing will keep him from taking Sonny down. He storms out.

In the PCPD cells, Ava yells to make a call. She needs to call Agent Cates.

John shows up and asks if she’s responsible for Kristina going through the window. She insists it was an accident.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (27)

Everyone is blaming her and Sonny is coming after her…that means he’s coming after him too. Kristina tripped over his duffle bag.

Sonny has also figured out he’s on placebos. He’s been seeing Kevin, who noticed his meds are off.

He’s probably on the way back to recovery now and they will get the blame, as will the pharmacist and whoever initially paid him off.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (28)

She urges him to get the pharmacist to run, claiming Sonny will think she put him up to this.

Jagger assures her that Sonny’s days of trampling over people are coming to an end.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (29)

After the Fed leaves, Jason shows up. She assumes Sonny sent him and calls for a guard.

No one comes.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (30)

Ava insists that what happened was an accident. He tells her they have proof. She says photographs can be manipulated.

He says they know she switched Sonny’s meds just like she did with Morgan.

She admits she knew Sonny’s meds were tampered with but it wasn’t because of her. It was a different enemy.

She’s not about to tell him who that is because that information is the only thing keeping her alive.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (31)

Jagger visits the pharmacist and tells him he needs him to come with him.

GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (32)

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GH Recap: Ava Admits She Knows Who Tampered with Sonny's Meds, Jagger Visits the Pharmacist and Kristina Asks Her Father to Make Ava Pay (2024)


Who tampered with Sonny's meds on GH? ›

General Hospital spoilers reveal that Ava Jerome (Maura West) is once again messing with a Corinthos' man's medication. Ava changed Morgan Corinthos (ex-Bryan Craig) medications years ago that lead to him becoming manic and taking off in Julian Jerome's (ex-William de Vry) that had been rigged with a bomb.

Who switched Sonny's pills? ›

While Ava could easily blame it all on Valentin (James Patrick Stuart), who worked with Pikeman to make sure Sonny was given a low dose of lithium, it was actually Ava who suggested the medication be entirely switched with placebos.

Who changed Sonnys' medication? ›

Sonny has been spiraling for weeks on General Hospital after his bipolar medication was altered at the hands of Pikeman.

Is Sonny on GH bipolar in real life? ›

While General Hospital star Maurice Benard has been open about his bipolar diagnosis, fans are also well aware that it was written into his character, beloved racketeer Sonny Corinthos.

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Sonny is a troubled young man who becomes addicted to heroin at an early age. Unlike many of the young boys in the neighborhood, Sonny is not hard or brutal. He keeps all of his problems bottled up—except when he plays music.

Who was responsible for Sonny's death? ›

At the Long Beach Causeway toll plaza, Barzini's men trap Sonny and shoot him to death. During a meeting with the other crime family dons to establish peace, Vito realizes that Barzini masterminded Sonny's murder. After Michael returns from Sicily, he assumes Sonny's place as Vito's heir apparent.

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Using heroin is not an escape for Sonny--the narrator is the one who would escape--but a way of bearing the suffering of seeing and hearing reality. Heroin, says Sonny, makes one feel "distant. And--and sure" (131), words often used to describe the perspective of the artist.

Who messed with Sonny's medicine? ›

People will remember what Ava did to Morgan and his medications and Ava will be blamed for Sonny's medications. She may not have started it, but she found out about it and she continued on with it and she even blackmailed the pharmacist to cut out the medications completely.

Who was Celia on GH? ›

However, many fans have remarked that Sasha bears a striking resemblance to Celia Quartermaine (Sherilyn Wolter). Long-time viewers may recall that Celia Quartermaine was a fixture on the show from 1983 to 1986.

Who was evil Luke on General Hospital? ›

Evil Luke, also known as Luke Spencer, made his first appearance on February 20, 2014. This persona of Luke is unrecognizable to his friends and family and is a departure from the Luke Spencer they have known. It is implied that Luke subconsciously crafted this alter ego, to mirror his abusive father, Tim Spencer.

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