Kid reviews for Olivia Rodrigo - Sour Prom (2024)

age 11+

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VisionYT Kid, 12 years old

September 20, 2023

age 12+

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TheClairvoyantGirl Kid, 12 years old

January 21, 2023

age 17+

Not a good album for kids (Review in English, Espanol and Norsk)

3 months ago, my cousin who is 2 years younger than me, asked me to watch this movie to her. at first I said NO, Because she is a minor being exposed to swearing. I dont even like trendy pop music, I honestly prefer Scandinavian Pop Music and Viking-Style music (Like the band SKALD) however, I decided to watch it with her, and boy this is a massive garbage can1- All the songs are unoriginal. all of them are about break ups. one parent said that these songs teach "Friendship" How does a song about breaking up teach friendship?2- Swears. There is to many swear words in songs. Most of them are marked explicit content by Spotify. Even thought im allowed to listen to music with swears, I dont like listening to music with swears.3- The video itself. This looks like something to come from MS paint if MS paint was a video editor. somebody ban this girl from the music industry.lastly, the crazy amount of fans. This is like the Charli D'amelio of music. Untaleneted teen girl with many disrispectful and uneducated teen girls as their fanbase. Avoid Olivia Rodrigo at ALL costs. NORSK BOKMAL REVIEW/ NORWEGIAN REVIEWFor 3 måneder siden ba kusinen min som er 2 år yngre enn meg meg om å se denne filmen for henne. først sa jeg NEI, fordi hun er en mindreårig som blir utsatt for banning. Jeg liker ikke engang trendy popmusikk, jeg foretrekker ærlig talt skandinavisk popmusikk og musikk i vikingstil (som bandet SKALD), men jeg bestemte meg for å se den sammen med henne, og dette er en enorm søppelbøtte.1- Alle sangene er uoriginale. alle handler om samlivsbrudd. en forelder sa at disse sangene lærer "Vennskap" Hvordan lærer en sang om å bryte opp vennskap?2- Banner. Det er for mange banneord i sanger. De fleste av dem er merket med eksplisitt innhold av Spotify. Selv trodde jeg fikk lov til å høre på musikk med banning, jeg liker ikke å høre på musikk med banning.3- Selve videoen. Dette ser ut som noe som kommer fra MS paint hvis MS paint var en videoredigerer. noen utestenger denne jenta fra musikkindustrien.til slu*tt, den vanvittige mengden fans. Dette er som musikkens Charli D'amelio. En talentløs tenåringsjente med mange uansvarlige og uutdannede tenåringsjenter som fanbase. Unngå Olivia Rodrigo for enhver pris.REVIEW EN ESPANOL/ SPANISH REVIEWHace 3 meses, mi prima que es 2 años menor que yo, me pidió que le viera esta película. al principio dije NO, porque ella es una menor expuesta a palabrotas. Ni siquiera me gusta la música pop de moda, honestamente prefiero la música pop escandinava y la música de estilo vikingo (como la banda SKALD), sin embargo, decidí verla con ella, y vaya, esto es un bote de basura enorme.1- Todas las canciones son poco originales. todos ellos son sobre rupturas. un padre dijo que estas canciones enseñan "Amistad" ¿Cómo una canción sobre la ruptura enseña amistad?2- Jura. Hay muchas palabrotas en las canciones. La mayoría de ellos están marcados como contenido explícito por Spotify. Aunque tengo permitido escuchar música con palabrotas, no me gusta escuchar música con palabrotas.3- El vídeo en sí. Esto parece algo que vendría de MS Paint si MS Paint fuera un editor de video. Que alguien prohíba a esta chica de la industria de la música.por último, la loca cantidad de fans. Esto es como el Charli D'amelio de la música. Chica adolescente sin talento con muchas chicas adolescentes irrespetuosas y sin educación como su base de fans. Evita a Olivia Rodrigo a TODA costa.

This title has:

Too much swearing

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jamesyourmate Teen, 16 years old

jinnx Kid

April 24, 2022

age 11+

Olivia is a queen an half

I LOVE this album. there are very few curse words, and an overall positive message: don't change who your are for others. younger kids (10 and under) wount understand the references, but i think a twelve or thirteen year old would love this album!

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autumncrumpton Teen, 13 years old

March 31, 2022

age 8+


WE LOVED IT! my child has been watching this all over

This title has:

Too much sex

Dp403826 Teen, 14 years old

February 23, 2022

age 9+

thumbs up!!

I am pretty sure almost everybody has heard there parents cuss, and there sex references.

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i do reviews Kid

January 25, 2022

age 13+

The showing-up of a broken teen

SOUR, beyond seeing adolescent suffering, Olivia brings us her way of seeing the world during the hardest years before being one hundred percent an adult. A mix of broken hearts, early fame, social media, and its impact on young people. All this is what SOUR shows us.Knowing that she began her career with Disney at the age of 12, it can be said that her fame began at a difficult age. Which is reflected in your project.This album leaves us a lot to think about, and more because most of the things portrayed there, almost all of us live, and I think that is why we feel great affection for this album.Knowing that it is her debut, Olivia is doing very well. What I value the most in this album is the music itself and the dedication of the lyrics; the metaphors that she uses in all the songs let us see the artist that she is, brilliant and committed.I recommend that younger kids don't listen to this album, as it contains inappropriate language in most of the songs, so it wouldn't be fair for them to learn all those words. In addition, she's talking about broken hearts and being sad due to a relationship, and younger audiences won't understand this feeling and it could affect their love life a little.Anyway, I think the vocals and way the concert was done it's incredible!

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Too much swearing

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MbhCloutthekid Teen, 13 years old

January 16, 2022

age 12+

Good decent album

This film is about the new album "Sour" Made by Olivia R.This is good if you like Olivia's music. But if your a person who doesn't enjoy songs about a men breaking up with a woman. I guess its not for you. The lyrics are decent all though their is some moments were she swears but all isn't really a big deal Some f bombs, sh*ts, and mild swearing. But very mild. More like each song has 1-2 swear words. "Stupid," and other are very mild, too.Not very much sex, very simple things.Great album! One of my favorites.

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SauceBroskie Teen, 13 years old

September 18, 2021

age 11+

Great! Impressive voice with no auto tune.

This is just OR’s music with a visual twist. Your kid probably listens to the music and there’s not a ton of cursing just a couple uses in some songs. Entertaining especially if you love Olivia’s music which I do. Recommend! But i don’t know how to watch it anymore bc they took it off youtube. i saw it during the live premiere

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Sarak.2078 Teen, 14 years old

August 5, 2021

age 12+

Loved it

I think its fine, the only thing is there a few cuss words :)

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Kid reviews for Olivia Rodrigo - Sour Prom (2024)
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