There’s No Place Like Home - Chapter 13 - murderbynuns (2024)

Chapter Text

The holiday season was quickly upon them, light and decorations adorned ever shop, street and home throughout Portland. Even the South Precinct had not escaped though Renard had a feeling that this was more Wu’s doing then anything, so he’d not been surprised when Nick had tentatively approached the subject. He’d flashed him his usually walm and charming smile as he’d understood Nick’s weariness. Neither of them had much in the way of family traditions or even of the warmth of celebrations. Over the last few month’s both of them had found themselves opening up not only to each other but to those around them, who’d they’d come to see as their family.

That was how he’d come to find himself stood in Nick’s living room surrounded by boxes of decorations, that Nick had informed him he’d received from Monroe who’d been taken back when he’d found out the young Grimm had never truly celebrated Christmas/Yule with anyone let alone family. Renard couldn’t help the smile upon his face and would blame the walm feeling spreading through his chest on Monroes homemade mulled wine, Nick joined him with small kiss upon his cheek before happily diving into the boxes.

Shaking his head though the smile never left his face Renard moved from his spot and began joining Nick in his activities, between them soon Nick’s home was transformed from a home to a winter wonderland. Not quite like that of Monroe’s but still more then he or Nick were used to, as he stood back and admired their work feeling a mixture of pride and acceptance as Nick came up behind him and wrapped his arms round his waist. Renard bent down and kissed Nick playfully before breaking apart, watching as his young Grimm bounce around gathering up his key’s and jacket.

“Come on your Highness we will be late if you keep standing there” laughed Nick as he playfully elbowed Renad in the side as he darted passed him to the door.

Long ago Renard would have hated someone using his title, but when it came to Nick, he knew his words were filled with love and affection. Renard groaned as he remembered what Nick was talking about, it had started as a joke between Nick and Monroe. Nick had explained it to him after finding Holly. He and Monroe had spoken about Nick’s lack of family and his almost childlike glee about the holiday recently, Monroe had offered for them to go shopping for gift for Renard and Rosalee together since Nick had shyly explained he’d never had anyone to buy for.

It had then snowballed once Rosalee had found out about Nick’s history, she’d hugged him and told him about her problem with Christmas, how she once loved it until she lost those closest to her, then how Monroe had restored her love for it and that how their chat turned to Renard and his own lack of family one night. So now Renard found himself sat behind Nick on his bike as they headed to meet Monroe and Rosalee, so they could go shopping for each other and their significant other. As the bike pulled up in the parking lot close to the Christmas market, dismounting Nick took Renard’s hand within his as they head into the crowed to find Monroe and Rosalee.


Monroe was happily sat on a bench chatting with Rosalee as they shared their mulled wine and watched the shoppers as they enjoyed the market, that’s when he spotted the small buddle of energy dressed in jeans and his well-worn leather jacket heading their way. Rosalee was up in a flash meeting Nick’s energy with her own, he picked her up and swung her round with the smile of a child upon his face. Renard stood stoically behind him but the smile upon his face spoke volumes about the growing relationship between the two men. After sharing pleasantries Rosalee grabbed Nick by the arm and dragged him off, for a split-second Monroe felt a pang of jealousy seeing as he’d wanted to share his first Christmas experience with him but soon, he realised just why Rosalee had dragged him off.

“So that leave us, where too first?” Monroe asked, even after the time that has passed the small hint of nervousness still clung to his words when it came to being in Renard’s presence.

“I must confess that I’m not familiar with this market so I’ll leave our destination to you” spoke Renard logically but the smile on his face hadn’t faded.

Monroe guided them both to a small stall that sold many offerings and trinkets that heralded pagan origins, Monroe was aware of both Nick and Sean’s strongly held pagan beliefs as well as the beauty of the crafts before them. Renard bought a few small things he explained for his mother, his half-brother (his mother’s side), his half-sister (his father’s side) Monroe had raised an eyebrow at that and Renard had chuckled explaining he’s tell him about her one day. He also picked up a few things for Nick including a beautifully carved dagger, as well as a charm he’d intended to enhance it’s already strong warding.

Monroe had picked up a beautifully carved Pyrography box, that was perfect to replace the ever-aging apothecary box she’d inherited from Freddy that had once been their fathers. After that they left the stand, they both chattered as they walked, Monroe could sense a feeling of nervousness growing on Renard’s part util Monroe was forced to stop. Renard indicated to Monroe to sit down on a bench close by, as they sat down the silence grew as he fiddled with his family ring before letting out a sight.

“Dude come on, somethings on your mind so spill” Monroe chuckled as Renard shook his head and sighed again.

“I know that you wanted to head off with Nick but I was the one who asked Rosalee to go with him, as you are the only family Nick has left as far as I know so your word means so much to him. Until I stopped long enough to think about things between Nick and I. Because of this I can think of no gift that holds any form of meaning even close to how I feel for him, or that comes close to the warmth of love he’d brought into the cold of my life. That’s why I wanted to ask for your blessing, I want to ask Nick to become my husband” Renard’s word’s shocked Monroe as he watched him pull out a small black box and opened it in front of him.

Monroe was impressed at its content, a beautiful 2-tone Hammered Finish Tungsten Ring in Blue and Black. The ring was stunning and Monroe had to admit it was very Nick, minimal but eye catching. Passing the box back to Renard Monroe gave him a smile.

“Dude he’s going to lose it, I’d be a fool to get in the way of your two. It’s obvious that you both were ment to be and anyone who tries to get between you better be prepared for a fight” laughed Monroe as Renard seemed to let out a held breath.

“You have mine and Rosalee’s blessings, I just want to make sure we get an invite when you finally set a date” Monroe once again let out a laugh.


Nick felt giddy as he left Renard and Monroe though he felt a pang of guilt since he’d been looking forward to going round the market with Monroe, but he was happy to be out with Rosalee after all he didn’t get to spend much time with his Fuchsbau best friend. She’d quickly become the sister he’d wished for and the confidence he’d needed after all there was only so much, he could talk to Monroe about his love life. Laughing and joking they fitted from stall to stall picking out a few things for Renard and Monroe, before grabbed some food they sat down placing their gifts beside them.

“So, it seems that you and Monroe are going well? I’m realy happy for you both” Nick said with a weak smile on his face as the memories of how the three of them met came to mind, as if she could read his mind Rosalee lent forward and placed her hand upon his while giving him a glowing smile.

“He’s sweet and kind, yes, I know not two words you’d expect of a Blutbad but he’s different. I don’t think I’d have coped as well as I have after Freddy’s death without his support” Rosalee said as Nick went to speak but she stopped him.

“I don’t blame you for his death, nor do I blame you for leaving us. Those coins were a curse upon all around them, you needed to rid the world of them but in the end none of that matters since you came back. Having you back here in Portland seemed to settle so much. We are glad your back, I’m glad you came back not because you are a Grimm but because long after you helped bring Freddy’s killer to justice, I began seeing you as Monroe did. As a friend and a brother, you are family and family stand together” reassured Rosalee making Nick blush and fight back the tear’s threating to fall.

After living a solitary life without family and friends, no home or place within the world to call his own. It was tiring, but that was over now he had friends, family, a lover that could possibly become more. At the thought of that Nick smiled and as if once again reading his mind Rosalee mirrored his smile.

“So how are thing’s going with Sean? From the faraway look on your face things are going well?” Rosalee questioned playfully making Nick growl at her in jest before sighing mournfully making Rosalee look at him with concern.

“Nick?” she questioned.

“Things are great, he’s amazing. Everything I could ask for and as for his tolerance for my presence within his Canton, I’m far more cautious about that then he is. If he had his own way, he’d have announced our relationship to all long ago, hell we haven’t even gone thither that sleeping naked together but he acts like we’ve been married for year. It’s realy nice, I’d never realised just how much I craved having another person to come home to” Nick explained with a walm smile on his face.

“But?” she asked as Nick’s mood changed to an almost sombre one.

“That’s the problem, I’m waiting for the bubble to pop. My life never stay happy, but mostly I’m realy scared about us sleeping tighter Rosalee. I know about his soul bond and I’m scared I’m not his, Sean is sure no room for argument that I’m his but what if I’m not? What do we do then?” Nick spoke softly but his insecurity’s shone through with the brightness of the sun, this broke Rosalee’s heart making her get up and pull Nick into her arms.

“Do you trust Sean?” she asked as Nick nodded.

“Then trust his judgment, and if you’re not that doesn’t seem to matter to him. Not all of us ever meet our soul mates and something tells me that to him you are mark or not” said Rosalee as she looked Nick in the eye and before stopping him from arguing.

“No but’s, from what I know about Sean life’s not been easy for him. Like you he’s grown up fast and hard, so I have no doubts about him knowing his own mind so if he says he wants you then he will do anything to be with you” Rosalee once again explained calmly as Nick let out his held breath and nodded as the tight feeling in his chest started to loosen.

Rosalee returned to the other side of the table, as things changed to happier topics. Some time passed and soon Monroe and Renard had rejoined them making Nick smile, grabbing food they all chattered about the market and the atmosphere. This was when an evil smile crossed Rosalee’s face, earlier when her and Nick had been wandering round, she’d noticed an ice-skating ring. It had been packed when they had passed it but now it was later and she could see it was almost empty, pulling Monroe to his feet she pulled him towards it as Nick and Renard followed.

After convincing Monroe to get on the ice with her she began working on Renard to join Nick beside her, Renard was cautious as he revealed he’d never skated before. Nick reached out and after promising to help him they four of them were on the ice and enjoying themselves, Rosalee and Monroe slipped just out of sight allowing the two men to focus on each other. Nick guided Renard with a gentle hand smiling at him the whole time, Renard followed his words like a child until soon he was upright and laughing alongside Nick as pride filled his words.

Together they spent the next few hour enjoying each other company as well as the company of their closest friends, but like all good things it soon had to come to a close as night set in and the market was shutting up for the night. Nick and Renard bid both of them a good evening before heading back to Nick’s bike and off home.

Pulling up outside his home it all felt like a fairy tale as Nick watched Renard pull off his helmet, the twinkling lights bathed him in an aura that made him seem every bit the prince he was. The tightness round his heart vanished as he breath caught in his throat, in that moment Nick knew what he truly wanted Renard not only for Christmas but the rest of his life. He decided he was going to ask him to move in with him everyone else be dammed.

From the doorway he smiled down at Nick making butterflies flutter within his stomach, there was twinkle in his eye as he offer Nick his hand and pulled him close before looking up. That’s when Nick spotted the mistletoe making him chuckle a little before he welcomed the loving kiss that followed, he felt Renard’s arms wrap round him as the warmth flooded through his body. Resting against Renard’s chest he enjoyed the rhythm as the warmth of his embrace chased off the cold of the night, after a few moment they separated and Nick allowed himself to be guided through the house.

Passing through the darkness they headed toward the bedroom; Nick was still floating on the high of spending time with the man he loved. As the door closed and the dim light of the bedside lamp bathed the room in a homely glow, Nick’s heart beat heavy in his chest as the mood grew between them. Nick’s butterflies returned as the air hung heavy and Renard’s kisses deepened. His hands roamed over his clothen frame, his breathing hitched as Renard’s hand slid under his shirt and ran over Nick’s sensitive ribs.

His skin felt like it was burning up as Renard’s hands roamed over his pale skin, Nick let out a groan as Renard pulled his shirt over his head before latching on to his neck making him hiss. Lost in a haze of heat and arousal Nick fumbled with Renard’s leather jacket and shirt with as much care as his hormone addled brain could muster up. If ever asked not that Nick would ever tell about this, he’d denied that he let out a not so manly shriek, as he realised, he’d been pushed as his back impacted the bed. The predatory look upon Renard’s face as he crawled up the bed toward Nick filled him with as much fear as it did arousal, pinning him down with his body weight Renard demanded access to his mouth while his hands skilfully delt with Nick’s belt.

“Relax Mon Coeur, I have no intention of hurting you or rushing tonight” Renard whispered in his ear before leaning down to capture his mouth once again.


Sometime later both men lay sedately within the bed, Nick was sleepily laid over Renard’s chest with his right wrist buried under the pillow beside Renard’s head. Kissing the top of Nick’s head contently Renard ran his hand up and down his arm, Nick was content but the butterflies of earlier had become a niggling void of self-doubt. He tried to swallow it down but Renard notices.

“Is everything ok Mon Coeur? It wasn’t too soon?” he asked worriedly making Nick feel crappy as he unconsciously pushed his wrist deeper into the pillow.

As if the missing pieces had fallen into place Renard looked over his shoulder, his worried look faded as a reassuring smile crossed his face. His fingers glided up his arm and laced themselves within Nick’s.

“Mon Coeur” he spoke warmly as he kissed Nick’s lips making him face him.

“I would love you mark or no mark Mon Coeur, there is no doubt in my mind about my feeling” he spoke warmly as he slowly pulled Nick’s wrist down to his chest, his own arm covering it as he watch the worry dancing through Nick’s eyes.

Kissing his knuckled before his head Renard pulled Nick’s wrist under the covers before joining his wrist with his own dominate one, he watched the changed in Nick’s mood as he pulled both their wrists from under the covers. The smile that covered his face would be forever burned into his memory as the covers fell away, revealing the beautifully elegant marking upon Nick and his own wrists. Rolling over Nick excitedly attacked Renard’s lips as he couldn’t find the words to portray his feeling to him.

“I love you too Mon Coeur” chuckled Renard as he pulled his Grimm into his arms, the giddy feeling within him matched Nick’s as they both drifted off to sleep.


Christmas day was finally upon them, Nick was bouncing around like a child as Renard pulled himself from the bed. The smile plastered upon his face did nothing but grow as he and Nick’s enjoyed a slow shower, both their body’s still feeling the aftermath of the night before and that made Renard smile more. Together they worked side by side to prepare breakfast, Nick’s mischievous mood was infectious adding to Renard’s already euphoric mood making him steal kisses and flirt mercilessly.

Nick’s laughter was music to his ears as they sat down and ate, chatting about everything and nothing once they’d finished both men sat down on the couch in front of the fireplace. Outside snow had fallen over night so Portland was a picture worthy of a Hallmark card, life was perfect for Nick. Both men curled up together in their t-shirts and sweatpants as they shared the few small gift they had with each other, Nick was overjoyed with the dagger, protection charm and a few drawing supplies. Nick happily turned so Renard could put the charm around his neck alongside his parents rings, his keys and Freddies charm but what had taken him back was the last gift.

Wrapped in soft purple velvet was a simple book bound in green leather, bearing a symbol of two snakes one silver and one gold intertwine as they each gripped the other by the tail. Nick ran his fingers over the symbol as his emotions threaten to overwhelm him. It had been a short conversation after dealing with Kimura over a beer, that Nick had confessed to Renard his love for reading and how it had been an escape from the life he’d grown up in. His father had been the one to introduce him to this world, he’d hoped for a better life for his son but his mother had pushed him to their world. For years he’d carried a copy of a well-worn book from place to place wherever he went, it had been all he had left of his father.

He’d confessed to Renard that time had taken it’s tole on the aging pages, until he’d been forced to store the book away or risk losing his last memory of his family. But now sat upon his lap was a first edition of that very book, a book that had ment so much to him gifted to him now by the man he’d sworn his heart too. As if he’d been trying to give him back a part of his childhood memories long since lost to him. Renard pulled him close cradling him as his emotion took over him, allowing him to make peace with the ghost’s that had followed him. They didn’t need to swap words, the bond they shared spoke volumes and the gift was just more proof of this.

Jumping up Nick raced over to the tree and pulled out the few gifts he had for him, keeping back one of them he watched on as Renard opened up the few smaller gifts with a smile on his face. A watch engraved with a message of love, cufflinks and a tie pin, the smile on Renard’s face filled Nick with joy. Placing down his last gift Renard was curious, bound in animal hide and tied off in hand braded rope. Renard ran his fingers over the parcel, the leather was engraved with ruins and he could feel the power and energy flowing not only through the contents but rolling off it too.

Opening it he was taken back by what was within, set in pockets within the leather were hand crafted dagger cast in silver and iron. Ancient ruins cared into the metal and leather-bound handles; Renard suspected something had been mixed in with the metal while casting them given the power that sung from them. The blades edge was stained Renard didn’t ask but suspected this was from years of use.

“These once belonged to my father, he gave them to me when my Grimm spirt first manifested. After his death I’ve never been able to bring myself to use them. I’d always been in awe when I watched him use them, he had a grace I was always jealous of, until I met you, I’d never seen anyone else wield them like him. After we first trained together, I knew you’d treat them well but never knew how to present them to you” explained Nick as Renard could only look at him in awe, on instinct he pulled Nick towards him and hoped he could feel all he couldn’t find words for though his emotions.

Both men just sat hugging each other, emotions all over the place as they shared gift that showed the level of feeling they had for each other. After they both centred themselves, they shared a passionate embrace before they settled into a comfortable silence as they put on the tv, they didn’t care about what was on what they cared about was just being with each other.


Monroe was giddy as he checked out the window for the millionth time making Rosalee roll his eyes with a smile on her face. Serena chuckled at them as Sam shook his head, Hank just watched from the side lines as Monroe dressed in his apron returned to the kitchen. Frank and Barry were chatting to Bud as Rosalee came to stand with them, a few moments later he once again jumped up as the roar of an engine could be heard outside. Throwing open the door he pulled Nick into a bone breaking hung once he reached the door going with the flow Nick allowed himself to be pulled into the living room where he greeted all within.

He and Renard sat down on the couch as drinks were placed in their hands before Rosalee shuffled Monroe back into the kitchen.

“Nick, my prince merry meet” greeted Serena as she came over and hugged Nick while Renard nodded in acknowledgement.

“Merry Part” “Blessed Be” Both men greeted together with a smile towards both Serena and Sam as Hank watched on from the corner.

“Merry Christmas Hank, I’m glad to see you, hope this isn’t two overwhelming?” Nick asked concernedly as Hank chuckled and came to sit next to Nick on the chair.

“Yeah, but I’m getting better, Monroe and Rosalee introduced me to Sam and Serena. They also explained who they are and how they know you all” acknowledging Hank with a slight nervous chuckle.

“There not so bad once you get to know them, I was thrown in at the deep end meeting Sam. Serena pulled me out of a bad place and helped me find my fight, their family just like the rest of you all” Nick smiled at all around him as he spoke.

“Right love fest over present time” called Monroe with a chuckle as everyone sat down while he pulled out the gifts from under the tree.

“Right first up Serena this is from us” said Monroe as he passes her a large package.

Serena sat crossed legged on the couch attempting to look cool while bouncing like a child. Tearing open the wrapping she let out a happy squeal and hugs Rosalee hard, as everyone else looked on as she placed it down upon the coffee table before them. The box was filled with book, vial, baggies and jars filled with liquid’s herbs and powders. Renard let out a chuckle as Serena gave him a childish smile making Hank look confused.

“Serena is a Hexenbiest and that looks like a fair amount of ingredients for her Zaubertrank …” Sam explained to a confused Hank.

“Potions” Nick informed Hank making him nod.

“The books are mostly copies of my own collections, there’s a few are books I’ve owned that are not for use or any other Wesen then a Hexenbiest. The rest of it is jar of everything I’ve got in stock at the spice shop and a few things a don’t have on view” Rosalee added making Serena hug her again, Sam smiled at her as he was up next.

“This is a gift I’d been wanting to give you for a while, though in a way it too is a gift from Monroe too” said Renard as he passed a gift to Sam.

“Hey this is all you dude I just did the repairs” Monroe interjected making Sam look at it confusedly.

Opening the smaller package gracefully, taking the lid off it he’s taken back. Feeling a lump forming in his throat he can’t get the words out to thank them. Inside a small black box sat on a bed of blue velvet was an old looking watch, picking it up Sam turned it over as he ran his thumb over the inscription on the back.

“How?” he choaked out

“I remembered you once telling me about the significance of the watch to you, I also remember that it was broken because you once again put yourself between myself and the thing trying to kill me. Thanks to Nick I came to know Monroe who had the skill to allow me to not only thank you for saving my life but for the loyalty you’ve shown me over the years” the smile on his face and the affections within his voice made Sam’s usually stoic persona crack as he stood up and hugged Renard, before thanking Monroe too.

“Hank seeing as you are new to our little group, this is off us all. I’m sorry it’s not much but I know that you appreciate a good bottle” laughed Renard as he passed him an expensive bottle of whiskey making Hank look at him with appreciation.

“This is fine by me” laughed Hank as he thanked them all.

Sam and Serena looked at each other and reached down the side of couch and pulled out three gifts and passed them to Nick and Renard, a smile broke over Nick’s face as he opened them like a kid. His face broke into a smile at the new leathers and a helmet, while Renard admired the new long coat.

“These are something small….This is your real gift Nick off us all” said Serena as she handed an envelope that read to be given at a later date sighed from Monroe, Sam, Serena, Rosalee, Bud and Sean making Nick look at Renard and his friends confusedly.

“It’s a group gift that’s still in the works but believe me you’ll be surprised” laughed Monroe as Nick felt a rush of excitement.

Nick was still bouncy as he reached into his bag and handed everyone envelopes, in the men’s were front row season tickets to the Portland Timbers soccer games and the women got spar day trips for those days. Very few people knew just how much Nick had saved up from never staying put long or from doing small jobs for those who trusted him, the thoughts of his own finances rivalling that of Renard’s own made him smile as Rosalee threw his arms round him. The guys were made up and Bud thank him on behalf of his wife since she’d not come since she was at his mother in laws with the kids, Monroe was about to get up and usher people to the table when Renard stood and gave him a look making him sit with a smile on his face. Raising a glass, he waited for everyone to listen to him.

“Today is a day for family, for celebrating what we mean to each other as he support ourselves and one another through the good and they bad. Whether we have known each other for year or only a few weeks, we are there for each other because that’s just what we do. The concept of family has always been a strange for myself, and until Nick came into my life, I realised I had never truly embraced it. Through him I’ve come to see that family isn’t blood it’s what we make it, for this I will always be grateful for Nick coming into my life and the friends I trust. So, with that in mind…...”

Renard’s words broke off as he pulled a small box out of this pocket and got down on one knee, all around gasped as Nick was sat in shock as Renard took his hand .

“Nicky you are the light in the darkness I didn’t know I needed until you arrived in my life, you are my peace in the storm around us, the warmth I’ve sort my whole life. So, with the blessing of those you consider family and witnessed by those we consider our closest friends I ask you now with love in my heart. Will you stand by my side through the good and the bad and do me the honour of becoming my husband” his voice breaking with the emotions as Nick jumped up and hugged Renard hard.

“Yes, I want nothing more. Yes” yelled Nick as he stubbled over his words as Renard put the ring, he’d shown Monroe some time ago upon Nick’s finger.

The group celebrated together as they settled down to the table, as they all wanted to see the ring. Nick happily showed it off as Sam, Serena and Frank congratulated Renard. The table was eventually groaning with the amazing food Monroe had been busy cooking, Monroe smiled as he joined them and asked Renard to lead the yule prayer.

"Beneath the tree of light and life,

a blessing at this season of Yule!

To all that sit at my hearth,

today we are brothers, we are family,

and I drink to your health!

Today we do not fight,

We bear no one ill will.

Today is a day to offer hospitality

to all that cross my threshold

in the name of the season."

As Renard finished, they began enjoying the feast before them all, he stole a glance as the young man who filled his life with so much joy and kindness. The smile upon his face filled him with a pride he didn’t think he’d ever get fed up with.

There’s No Place Like Home - Chapter 13 - murderbynuns (2024)


Where is Jay in No Place Like Home? ›

Jay lives in the Frozen Peaks area close to the passage towards the village. In addition to the shops, she will also accept the feathers the players have gathered through the game.

Where is Cornelius underground in no place like home? ›

Find Chicken Cornelius in the Underground. Enter the underground through the entrance near the foxes and open the door with the button in the maze. Go straight towards the ladder, on the right side is a small section with vines, Cornelius hides behind.

Where is Lilly in No Place Like Home? ›

Lilly is a Botanist that lives in the Frozen Peaks.

Where is Harold in no place like home? ›

Harold is a vendor found in the village standing next to his house near the lake. You can get here by going through the door shown in the image above. This is located at the back of the large clearing directly in front of where Mark is standing.

Where is Rudy No Place Like Home? ›

From your treehouse, head to the southern portion of the map. Here, you should find Rudy standing next to the entrance of the tunnels. By interacting with Rudy, you can purchase a variety of upgrades for your drill. To prepare for the Lonely Hills, you will need to purchase the Rubber Waste drill upgrade.

How do you get to the sunken city in no place like home? ›

It is accessed by boat from the Dusty Desert after fixing the Dam. This area was previously referred to as "Drowned Town" in the early roadmap.

Where is the mine cart in no place like home? ›

The minecart can be found in Frozen Peaks: Winter Railway. At the first fork turn right and go up the mountain until the end of the path leads you to the minecart.

Where are all the boars in no place like home? ›

Boar are found in the Frozen Peaks. In order to tame them, you need to fix their lair through the Boar Lair questline starting with Forced Winter Sleep.

Where is Mark in no place like home? ›

To Do. Find Mark the shopkeeper on the way to the village. Mark is in the first Village area just past the main farm. Talking to him will both accept and complete the quest.

Where is the algae in no place like home? ›

The algae is located in the second area in The Village by the large lake behind Harold's house.

Where is Rudy in Lonely Hills No Place Like Home? ›

From your treehouse, head to the southern portion of the map. Here, you should find Rudy standing next to the entrance of the tunnels. By interacting with Rudy, you can purchase a variety of upgrades for your drill.

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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.